IHAA Postal Matches
Postal competitions are ideal for our sport: even within our own countries we are spread out and only a fortunate few are able to travel abroad to compete in person with foreign friends. The IHAA has been running postal matches on canter tracks since 2013 and hundreds of people from all over the world have been involved; they have now introduced international walk and trot postal matches which have proved very popular.
With these postal matches you can compete at home or in your local club, on a familiar horse, and at the time of your choosing. Anyone can take part, from beginners to masters, regardless of school or affiliation. There are no prizes and people are not judgmental. Let’s all just have fun shooting together!
For details of the current postal matches, click here or see the IHAA Facebook page.
Ground Postal Matches

Summer ground postal matches are designed every month by one of our clubs. Follow the BHAA on facebook for information on the latest postal competition.
The BHAA runs a winter ground postal every two months. Full details can be found here.