Competitions insurance IntroPlease only submit this form for competitions up until 31st March 2025. Once our insurance is renewed for the '25-26' year we'll let everyone know. This typically happens during March as our insurers cannot confirm rates more than 1 month in advance. It's great to see that you're interested in running a competition, we would love more competitions to be happening across the UK every year! We hope that this form acts as a useful checklist for you when it comes to organising a safe and successful event. For any questions please contact the BHAA and put "FAO Becca Sweetman" in the subject.Name of organiserName of Club (if relevant)Email AddressName of competitionDate of competitionLocation of competitionTracks being runExpected number of attendeesBHAA membership *YesI confirm that the competition organiser (the person requesting this insurance) is a member of the BHAAAge *YesI confirm that the competition organiser is over the age of 18Qualification *BHAA qualified CoachLevel 1 Judge (or higher)I confirm that the organiser is either a BHAA Coach or at least a level 1 judgeRisk assessment *YesI confirm that the risk assessment will be completed by a qualified Coach.Judge *YesI confirm that the Judge will have their IHAA level 1 or higher qualification and be over the age of 18RSO *YesI confirm that a qualified RSO will be in charge of range safetyCompetitor qualificationsThe minimum qualification requirements are as follows, this is the same for walk / trot / canter classes: Club: Raid, T60, Aussie, Polish Prelim, simple arena tracks [i.e. short distance front, back, side shots] Intermediate: Club tracks + T90 & T110, Mamluk, Skirmish, Polish Prelim+, all arena tracks Advanced: Intermediate tracks + Hunt tracks (need jumping module for Hunt tracks with jumps) Exemptions can only be provided by contacting the BHAA and explaining the extenuating circumstances e.g. Dimitri’s students who only train on the Kassai track and so cannot get an S grade for Intermediate International horseback archer visiting the UK Competitor qualifications *YesI understand that competitors need to have the minimum level of BHAA qualification and that as an organiser we will both request and check this informationCompetitor disclaimer *YesThe application form will include a participant disclaimerHorse suitability *YesOn the application form we will ask for the horse's name and for confirmation that the horse is safe to use for horseback archery.I understand that if I'm running a Hunt track then I cannot include any jumps *YesNote: in the future as riders & horses in the UK gain more Hunt experience we will consider lifting this limitationCostThe Events Insurance costs £112/event. If all competitors at your event are BHAA members then the BHAA will cover this cost. If you want to invite non-BHAA members then you will need to cover the £112 cost for the insurance.Cost *All attendees will be BHAA members and therefore I'd like to request that the BHAA pays the £112I want to invite non-BHAA members and I understand that I need to pay the BHAA £112Confirmation: I understand that I need to wait to hear from Becca Sweetman to confirm that my event it covered. *YesNote that more information may be requestedSubmit